I read up until the third page because upon finishing i knew that such a theory could never and should never be put into practice if you want to have a happy ending. The third page is titled Communist theories and Principles.

its funny how many, including myself have been brainwashed by the media and teachers to think communism actually cared about equality when all they wanted was a equally irresponsible society, having one leader taking All the pressure and decision-making. How irresponsible is that? It's simply a king based society.
So in equal money, those who have participated and have decided to support it have already made decision to place themselves in position of support. We are to re-educate man by first stopping our programming/brainwashing by re-washing and reprogramming to breath, equality and oneness. So to be the leaders who want to bring about a world of leaders through an equal money system. Desteniiprocess is the systematic-organized approach to educate your self. From there we act within the rules of society, and vote democratically. The proposal will be placed in 20 years. In the meantime we establish a recruiting ground for leaders, i.e. living examples of one-and-equal as life. Look us up on the recruiting ground. Or visit the forum where research is done at EqualMoney.org